
Boston Beer Merger with Dogfish Head? Is DFH selling out?
POSTED BY Sam Holloway ON Mon, 05/13/2019 - 16:06

I'm curious if the CAS community feels any different about Dogfish Head selling to Boston Beer than if Dogfish Head had sold to Heineken, Duvel, AB InBev, or Mahou San Miguel? Let's face it, Boston Beer Company is increasingly relying on non-beer products to grow it's portfolio (hard seltzer, cider, etc.). Dogfish Head took private equity money from LNK Partners about four years ago and those deals typically seek an exit in 5-7 years - so the timing is textbook. Seems to me this is a great business decision by Dogfish Head and their board and a pretty desperate move by Boston Beer to save face in the backlash since the BA altered their definition to keep Boston Beer in the sample. What do you think?