
Expansion: how to find the right importer?
POSTED BY Elisa_Madrid ON Mon, 08/15/2022 - 07:35

Good morning,

I'm Elisa from Spain. I'm owner of a IGA (Italian Grape Ale) beer, our only category (

We produce the beer with Tempranillo grapes at the south of Ribera de Duero, with highest quality in all processes, our product is considered as a gourmet product but... it has to be explained.

In some restaurants is considered as the "champagne of beers", in others as "sparkling wine" but it is a beer, of course.

We have importers in Canada and in República Domicana, but the problem is to find the right importer, not all importers are able of explain the product because is an hybrid of wine and beer, not a mixed drink, it's a mixed fermentation. It has year of vintage, and the terroir and origins are the most important (as in a wine).

Currently, some importers from US contact with us but... our intention is to create a brand, not only to receive orders. Some of importers are from winery sectors but when they hear "beer", the product is considered lower (enough that the processes are more complex than in a wine).

What do you recommend? Do you know any list where find specialized importers (with knowledge and with capacity of explain complex products) who could help me?

Thank you in advance,
