
Growing Your Business With Low- and No-Alcohol Craft Beer
POSTED BY Sam Holloway ON Mon, 08/26/2019 - 19:21

I'm sensing a crisis (or at least a missed opportunity) among some CAS member breweries. Due to a personal bias toward the beers we like to drink best (higher ABV), we are overlooking a growing and seemingly ignored market of potential new customers (healthy drinkers). There is a long history of successful companies leading themselves toward bankruptcy by only listening to their best customers (Clay Christensen's Innovator's Dillemma). If we only listen to the bearded regulars demanding a 7.5% ABV West Coast IPA, are we missing the boat? If we keep ignoring low- and no-alcohol beers, are we conceding the 'healthy drinker' segment to hard seltzer? Speak up and share ideas before it is too late!