
I think the BA should remove "Small" from it's definition
POSTED BY Sam Holloway ON Wed, 12/19/2018 - 19:08

I'm sitting at home, bewildered by the moves the BA is making. I'm frustrated, I feel somewhat abandoned, and I really want to be able to understand and agree with the BA's latest change in definition. I'm empathetic to their situation, I think they are stuck in the middle. I think they have painted themselves into a corner. Then it hit me, maybe instead of changing the "traditional" pillar of their definition of craft, they should just get rid of the word "Small". 

I fear the BA thinks "small" means unsophisticated, easy, small minded. They certainly have been ignoring the needs of most of the 7,000 breweries in America. Does anyone else feel this way? Let's get out in front of this 'elephant in the room'. We can't be silent anymore. How do we work together to improve your business? What can CAS do to fill this growing void left by the BA's recent actions? Please comment!