
Problems with the BA's Definition of a Craft Brewery
POSTED BY Sam Holloway ON Tue, 04/16/2019 - 14:07

It wasn't too long ago that the BA focused on topics like quality, culture, safety, growth, and occasionally even profitability. Now, they are so lost in their drive for "independence" that I believe they have lost their way. By defining a 'craft brewery' their current way and by not including Founders, Avery, 10 Barrel, Lagunitas, Devil's Backbone, etc. in their definition, they are under representing the volume of craft beer being consumed in America, they are ignoring the fact that these 'non-craft' breweries are bringing in many new drinkers and this often results in subsequent visits to our own taprooms, and they are also broadcasting a message that craft market share is stuck and not growing. This is a dangerous message in at least a few important ways: If banks listen to the BA and think the market is stagnant or shrinking, will they stop lending to craft breweries? What if landlords are approached by a brewery seeking to expand to a new taproom location? If these landlords listen to the BA, will they even take the meeting? And what of the rest of the world that looks to the USA for leadership and innovation in the industry? They need to see a prosperous future for themselves to keep the renaissance going. Please share your thoughts, fears, disagreements, and new ideas below. We must keep having these difficult conversations!