
Pubs in a different state
POSTED BY Steve Waters ON Tue, 10/21/2014 - 16:13
Hey CAS members! Backwoods Brewing isn't even in the planning stages for this yet, but we've wondered about the additional profitability and brand attention we can grab by opening a pub in a nearby city: Portland, OR. Our brewery headquarters are in Carson, WA, very nearby geographically, but unfortunately just across a state line. I'm wondering if there are any members who have opened a pub in another state or researched some of the interstate commerce implications that would arise from this kind of move. One area I'm particularly interested in is distribution. I believe that distributors are required to be used by most state laws when you're shipping beer across state lines to clients, but is there still a requirement when you're shipping the beer to yourself or a subsidiary? Obviously cutting out the distributor between HQ and an out of state location makes a big difference when you're looking at pub profitability. Another interesting question specific to WA and OR is that our home state has sales tax and B&O but no employment taxes, whereas Oregon has no sales tax, but does have employment taxes. My guess is that by state nexus principals, sales and employee activity within a Portland pub would all follow Oregon law only, but if anyone has experience with anything different, please let me know! Thanks in advance for any input! Any contributions to the discussion are appreciated. Backwoods