
Restaurants and breweries are different businesses
POSTED BY Sam Holloway ON Tue, 07/15/2014 - 02:53
We know the value chains for production breweries and brewpubs are fundamentally different, but many brewpub owners I talk with don't separate the books for the two businesses and this can cause problems. Restaurants and breweries are very different businesses with different profit formulas. First difference is the number of transactions per customer, per visit. The brewery side may sell two, three, or more beers to one customer on a typical visit. However, this same customer will likely only have one food order. How should I design my food offerings to maximize the volume of dollars I can bank on that one transaction? Second, how can I track how much beer I produce that is sold in the tasting room at high margins versus the beer I sell to the distributor at lower margins. Is it as simple as counting kegs or is there a better way? What answers are out there in the CAS community?