
Webinar Series: Expansion
POSTED BY Joe Belcher ON Mon, 04/16/2018 - 21:21

Our first webinar on April 24th kicks off a series of six webinars focused on brewery expansions. You must be a CAS member to participate – this is the first in a series of enhancements we are making to our membership. Following the first webinar, we will look at the topic of expanding a brewery from five additional angles, relying on our Member Experts at FMD Architects to fill in the gaps in our knowledge and save our members time and money. WE NEED YOUR HELP finalizing our list of topics! Please join our webinar on April 24th and give us your thoughts on potential topics below:

April Topic: SCHEDULED FOR THE 24TH - Managing through an expansion with Migration Brewing, Baerlic Brewing

May Topic: Rent, Own, or Partner For Non Brewing Revenue: Designing Event Spaces, Food Operations, and Seating Requirements

June Topic: Permitting - Horror Stories, Delays, and Strategic Solutions

July Topic: Identifying Optimal Second/Third Locations: Retail/Taproom Expansion Beyond a Production Facility. Design elements to maximize revenue in smaller and higher traffic footprints.

August Topic: Finding A Crystal Ball from Winery Design: If Beer industry trends toward wine (10-12 dominant large firms, 10,000 small wineries), what can breweries learn from architects building wineries?

September Topic: Friends With Benefits: Squeezing a small brewery into an existing hotel, casino, or other space never intended to house a brewery