In a Year That Soured, Here Were Some Winning Strategies

By Sam Holloway, President Crafting A Strategy

This blog features a few of our member success stories from 2017. I’ve organized these stories using the Boston Consulting Group’s decision-making framework: The Strategy Palette. This should help you decide how your brewery should think and act in 2018 if you survived the craft beer pinch of 2017.

How to Make Investors Understand You

It's about being clear, not convincing.

Several of our Crafting A Strategy (CAS) members are reaching a critical milestone in their growth – the need to ask for other people’s money (again). While the financial pro formas, your two years’ worth of taxes, profitability (if you are profitable), business plan, and business model will garner lots of attention; today I want to write about what may ultimately seal the deal – your investor presentation.

The Case for International Contract Brewing

For the past several months, I have been engaging CAS members on the topic of contract brewing. There is a growing movement within our membership that believes in a simple principle: Beer should be made as close as possible to where it will be consumed. Several members have come out more strongly, saying “it is morally wrong to ship beer across oceans.”

What principles does shipping beer overseas compromise?

The End of Big Beer

Sam Holloway, Ph.D. - President, Crafting A Strategy - February 29, 2016

I believe that industry consolidation may be the death throes of mature industries as they struggle to compete with America’s return to a more entrepreneurial, craft economy.
--Nicco Mele, HBR Blogs, October 26, 2015


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